.NET MAUI: Get unique device and installation ids for your app

This content has 2 years. Some of the information in this post may be out of date or no longer work. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind.Why unique device and installations identifiers are important? First, let’s define what we mean by a unique device and installation identifiers. Essentially, these are codes that are assigned to individual devices and installations of an app. They allow developers to track usage on a specific device and identify individual installations of the app. This is important because it allows us to understand how users are interacting with our app and identify patterns in usage. For example, if we notice that a particular device is experiencing a high number of crashes, we can use the device ids to track down the specific device and troubleshoot the issue. Another important use case for unique device and installation identifiers is providing targeted and personalized content or experiences for users. For example, we can use this information to show users personalized advertisements or to offer them special deals or promotions based on their usage patterns. In addition to these benefits, device and install ids also play an important role in security and fraud prevention. By tracking the usage of our app on specific devices, we can identify and prevent unauthorized access to the app or service. This can help to protect user data and prevent fraud and other malicious activities. How to get unique identifiers in .NET MAUI? On Android, you can get a…

Configure CI pipeline with .NET MAUI Release candidate (for NuGets)

This content has 3 years. Some of the information in this post may be out of date or no longer work. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind.In order to do automated builds in Azure DevOps with the .NET MAUI Release Candidate release, we need a few extra steps in the pipeline configuration. I used these steps to ensure that the NuGet packages I develop are automatically compiled and uploaded to NuGet.org. In this article I won’t go into detail about how to create a CI pipeline, I just want to show you the difference from a normal CI pipeline. I haven’t tried building and deploying applications in the cloud at the moment, but it can probably be done. Also, I don’t go into how to make the package automatically go to NuGet.org, for that I recommend an earlier article (and also how to create a CI/CD pipeline): https://www.banditoth.net/2021/11/09/azure-devops-setup-private-nuget-feed-with-ci/ Since a final version of .NET MAUI has not been released as of today, in order to build our applications in the cloud, we need to install the MAUI Workload on the Agent.If we do not do this, we may encounter the following error: Adjust your pipeline In order to install the workload on our build agent, create a new task at the very beginning in the pipeline file, which is executes a command in the command line: This will result the following task in the yaml file: The installation of the workload will take about 5 minutes….

Azure DevOps: Setup private NuGet feed with CI

This content has 3 years. Some of the information in this post may be out of date or no longer work. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind.In case you need a private NuGet feed, you can do it in Azure DevOps. This can be handy for businesses reusing their code between several codebases. What will contain the example In this tutorial, I will show you how to share code through NuGet packages so that it can be used in multiple projects. The Example will walk you through the game engine of an IDLE game. IDLE games are games that do not require much user interaction. The point of games is that they run or produce even when the user is not playing them. The goods produced offline can eventually be used by the player, to upgrade producers or to buy more producers. The game engine is developed on the IDLEGAMEENGINE branch. Different games, such as a restaurant game or a programming game, can use this game engine. The games have a common logic of operation, only the story of the games differs. This design helps in development to fix bugs by only having to fix the bug in one place and it will be fixed in all games. Step 0: Create your shared code I will not go into details about the implementation of the game engine in this tutorial. The point is to create source code that you want to share with other source code….

NuGet lokális Cache törlés egyszerűen

This content has 5 years. Some of the information in this post may be out of date or no longer work. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind.Amennyiben azt feltételezzük, hogy a Visual Studio a nugetek cachelése miatt nem működik úgy, ahogy az elvárt lenne, abban az esetben lehetőségünk van a lokális cache-t üríteni. GUI megoldás: Tools → Options → NuGet Package Manager → Package manager settings → Clear All Nuget cache CLI megoldás:1. nuget.exe beszerzése – https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe 2. Parancs kiadása