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Visual Studio: Azure DevOps Git – The pull operation failed

This content has 4 years. Some of the information in this post may be out of date or no longer work. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind.

When trying to sync or pull our repository from remote, it fails with the following error:

The pull operation failed, see Output Window for details.

In the output window, the error is the following:

Cannot determine the organization name for this '' remote URL. Ensure the `credential.useHttpPath` configuration value is set, or set the organization name as the user in the remote URL '{org}'.

Go to Visual Studio’s Tools, and then Options, search for ‘Git’ in the searchbar.

Select the Git Global Settings option, and find the ‘Credential helper’ setting, and set it from ‘Unset’ to:

GCM For Windows

This should solve your problem.

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