Visual Studio: Azure DevOps Git – The pull operation failed
When trying to sync or pull our repository from remote, it fails with the following error:
The pull operation failed, see Output Window for details.
In the output window, the error is the following:
Cannot determine the organization name for this '' remote URL. Ensure the `credential.useHttpPath` configuration value is set, or set the organization name as the user in the remote URL '{org}'.
Go to Visual Studio’s Tools, and then Options, search for ‘Git’ in the searchbar.
Select the Git Global Settings option, and find the ‘Credential helper’ setting, and set it from ‘Unset’ to:
GCM For Windows
This should solve your problem.
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Hi, I am András,
I am a seasoned software engineer from Budapest, Hungary with a strong focus on mobile app development using .NET MAUI and Xamarin.Forms. My expertise also extends to website building for my happy customers and other complex system designing. I am passionate about developing well-organized, maintainable software solutions.